If you have gone through the postpartum period, you know what that time is like. So blissful yet so challenging and frustrating at times! If you have not, I do not want this post to scare or discourage you. However, I do believe it is good to be prepared because I feel like not enough people talk about the postpartum period (or the fourth trimester)! I was not prepared for it.
During this time, it can be difficult to find the time and energy to take care of yourself. But I believe it is the most important thing you can do because if you take care of yourself, you will be the best mama you can be to your little baby. And the best wife to your husband too! I have come up with 10 things important tips for your mental and physical health during the fourth trimester. These are things that I have done myself and that really helped me.
DISCLAIMER: This post contains affiliate links, which means that I make a small commission off products that are purchased through the links at no extra cost to you.
Also, I am not a medical professional. These are my personal opinions only and should not be taken as or substituted for any kind of professional advice.
Drink Lots of Water
Did you know that breast milk is made up of more than 80% water?!
So this is not only important for you but also for your baby.
You are also losing a lot of blood during this time which is another reason why it is absolutely crucial to be drinking plenty of water.
I personally bought this 32 oz water bottle from Amazon and keep it on my nightstand. This really helps me remember to drink at night and when I’m nursing.

Ask For Help
Asking for help was hard for me. I remember trying to look like I had it all figured out (probably just a pride thing). It can be difficult but honestly, no one has it completely figured out, especially as a new mom. And those who have been there will be completely understanding and empathetic.
Sometimes, friends and family don’t know how they can help or if you want the help.
Letting someone know what they can do for you is the best thing to do. It can be something like asking a family member to come and hold your baby while you take a shower or nap. Or come and help you with the dishes or laundry.
Husbands can also not know how to help, especially if you are breastfeeding. It can be tempting to get irritated with them or they are not in this with you. But if it is their first time being a parent (or even not the first time), this is where you can help them help you. Let them know and be specific with what you need. This can help save a lot of misunderstandings and hard feelings.
Prepare Freezer Meals & Nutritional Snacks to Have On Hand
This is something that is super important for the fourth trimester! I am fortunate enough to have family close by so I did not have to worry about meals on most days, thankfully. BUT I still wish I prepared a few meals ahead of time because there were some days when I had to make something and I would end up eating pizza or fast food, or would just skip a meal altogether (super unhealthy!).
After skipping a few meals here and there I decided I needed to figure out something easy and healthy so that it would not happen again. I ended up buying healthy smoothie packs (favorite: Daily Harvest), protein bars (favorite: Perfect Bar), fresh fruit and veggie trays, and some healthier frozen meals.
Get Fresh Air
I had my baby in December and we stayed indoors all day every day. I didn’t want to take him to grocery stores and it was cold outside, so we just stayed inside all day every day for the first couple of weeks (minus the pediatric and midwife appointments). This really contributed to my baby blues for sure! I felt so alone and like I just needed to get out. Finally, my husband and I decided to go outside for a short walk, and man did I feel like a new person!
I realized after that that I needed to get out every day, even if it was just a short walk with the stroller around the neighborhood.
It really does something for your headspace.
Post Natal Vitamins
A lot of women know the importance of taking prenatal vitamins while pregnant. But it is just as important to take postnatal vitamins as well!
During this time, you are supplying nutrients to your baby and losing lots of blood on top of that.
It can really take a toll on you if you do not support yourself with a good diet and supplements.
I like the Pink Stork Postnatal Vitamins because I trust the brand to be mindful of heavy metals and pesticides but there are many to choose from!
I would recommend doing some research and finding ones that do better with their ingredients so that they don’t contain heavy metals or pesticides.

Eat Foods That Support Hormone Health
After giving birth, our hormones go crazy, so it is important to eat foods that can help them. A significant drop in progesterone can actually contribute to postpartum depression, so if you do experience symptoms it can be helpful to ask your provider to get your hormones tested along with other treatments.
To support hormone health eating foods that are rich in magnesium and healthy fat is key. This includes:
- Nuts
- Avocados
- Foods rich in vitamin B6
- Eggs
- Sweet Potato
- Seeds
- Milk
- Spinach
- Fish
- Edamame
- Dark Chocolate
Something else to consider when it comes to hormone health is caffeine consumption. Caffeine can have a negative effect on hormones especially if it is consumed before any real food or in excess, as it can raise cortisol and cause an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone.
I would highly suggest doing your own research. Hormones are a complex yet fascinating subject!
Get Ready for the Day
This may not be realistic for every day. However, it can make a big difference in helping your overall mood if you are feeling down in the slumps. I remember just feeling gross some days during the first several weeks after delivering my baby. And that’s because your body feels completely different, night sweats happen, and you just start smelling funny. All of this is totally normal but it can play a part on your mood too! That is why taking the time (when you can) to shower, do your hair and makeup will really make you feel human again.

Invest In Loungewear That Makes You Feel Good
Let’s face it, during the first several weeks post-partum, getting dressed and putting on clothing that you would normally go out in just isn’t a reality.
Especially in the beginning, you may just be at home all day with your baby. This is why it is a great idea to have one or two loungewear outfits that are cute, comfy, and make you feel good.
I personally bought two loungewear sets and was so happy that I did, it made me feel more put together than just being in PJs all day.
Buy Clothing That Fits Now
This is an important one! Your body might feel very foreign to you after giving birth, and it might take a while to fit into that favorite pair of jeans again. It’s important to give yourself time and love your body the way it is because it has gone through a lot in the last 9 months!
For me, it took a year before I was able to wear my old jeans comfortably again. That is why it is important to buy clothes that will fit you after you give birth so that you can feel good in the season you are in.
It may feel like a waste buying clothes that may only fit temporarily but you will be happy you did when you have to get ready and you know you have something that’s cute and fits perfectly. Plus, you never know how long it will take for you to be able to wear your “normal” size again, and it can help take the pressure off too.
Take a Social Media Break If You Need To
It’s important to know when to take a break from social media, and for some new moms spending time on social media during the post-partum period can really contribute to more baby blues, anxiety, or even depression.
That was the case for me. I found myself subconsciously comparing myself and my new baby to other new moms and their newborns.
My baby was fussy and it made me feel like something was wrong with my baby because when I would go on Instagram, I would see moms going on walks with their baby sleeping peacefully in the stroller (my baby HATED the stroller).
This is when I decided to take a break from social media..and it was truly game-changing for my mental health!
Social media can be a great way to connect with other moms and make you feel like you’re not alone, but it can also make you compare yourself to others which will really affect your mental health!
Implement a Routine
During the first couple of weeks, there is no such thing as routine. BUT, as the weeks go by you will start to pick up how often your baby eats, how long he/or she sleeps and when, bedtime, and when he/ or she “usually” wakes up.
Finding a routine that works for you and trying to be consistent with feedings and naps can really help you find time for yourself.
This will not happen right away.
For me, it took at least a month until my baby began sleeping and feeding around the same time each day. But I will say trying to be consistent and finding somewhat of a routine was the thing that helped me the MOST!
Becoming a parent is A HUGE blessing! I am so thankful that the Lord entrusted me with a sweet little baby that I get to raise. However, with this blessing come great challenges. The biggest challenge for me was to let go of my expectations and things that were not a priority. For instance, I LOVE a clean house. If it is messy, I just can’t sit and relax. During the first couple of weeks after having a baby, though, I had to realize that it’s okay if my house feels “dirty”, if the laundry is almost to the ceiling, or if life feels chaotic. It is SO TEMPORARY, and you will never remember it all looking back. However, you WILL remember how it felt snuggling your little baby and wish you could just go back and relive it because, as everyone else says, time really does fly.