After returning from a 3-week RV road trip (quite an adventure with a toddler and baby), my husband and both children got sick. My husband ended up having to go to the ER (he was diagnosed with pneumonia) and we were about to take our one-year-old as well (thankfully he started feeling a bit better the next morning).
So with the trip, unpacking, trying to get back into the groove of things back home, and taking care of my sick family I was quickly heading towards mom burnout.
The burnout led to a loss of motivation which contributed to me falling back into a few old habits, which made me feel even more tired and drained.
I was getting snappy with my husband and frustrated with my children.
After several days of being unhappy and tired, I began to evaluate my daily habits. I realized there were things I was doing that were contributing to this negative cycle and I decided I needed to make some changes.
Sometimes it is our circumstances that lead to burnout, but other times it can be our own habits that contribute to us feeling drained and burnt out.
In this post, I am sharing 10 habits that may be leaving you feeling drained and unhappy as a mom.

1. Screen Time
We often hear of how screen time affects young children, but it’s just as bad for us adults too!
Screen time stops you from living in the present moment, decreases your attention span, and affects chemicals in the brain that can leave you feeling down.
Speaking from my personal experience, when I spend time on my screen I find myself feeling discontent with so many things around me. I get more frustrated with my children, and they get more frustrated too because they don’t feel my presence either.
2. Comparison
Not only does comparison steal joy, but your energy too.
It takes your focus from the positives in your life to the negatives. And that can be exhausting.
3. Caffeine
You may be thinking “But I NEED caffeine to function as a mom of young children”. And it’s true you can get a kick of energy after having a cup of coffee. BUT, it can also lead to an afternoon crash if you have coffee too early in the morning.
Another thing about caffeine is that it can affect the absorption of certain key vitamins such as iron, and vitamin B which are CRUCIAL to having enough energy.
4. Sugar
You’ve probably heard enough bad things about sugar. But have you thought about the effects that sugar has on your energy? I mean, sure you may get a rush of energy after eating a pastry or having some carbs, but then shortly after you end up experiencing a “crash” because sugar can be used up by your body pretty quickly.
Making sure that you eat enough healthy fats and protein is a great way to ensure that your energy is sustained throughout your day.
5. Worrying and Overthinking
We’re moms, it’s our job to worry right? Well, excessive worrying and overthinking things can lead to burnout pretty fast.
As someone who has gone through post-parting anxiety, I know how hard it can be to stop worrying. If you are someone who struggles with worrying or overthinking, it is possible to change your thought patterns. These are the key things that have helped me overcome my anxiety:
- Reading my Bible EVERY day (specifically Psalms when I was feeling anxious)
- Breathing exercises
- Prayer and laying down my burdens
- Taking my thoughts captive (2 Corinthians 10:5)
- Morning gratitude journal
6. Lack of Exercise
A lack of exercise can also negatively impact your energy levels, leaving you tired and drained.
As a mom, you may not be able to leave your kids and go to the gym, or maybe it’s not in the budget.
You may also not have the time for lengthy workouts.
Exercising may sound intimidating, but honestly, it shouldn’t be overly complicated.
Something as simple as a 10-minute workout, or going on a walk with your kids (the key part is CONSISTENCY) can make a HUGE difference in how you feel.
7. Clutter
Having too many things in your home can visually overstimulate you and make it much more difficult to keep a tidy home. If you are like me, this can leave you feeling frustrated and overwhelmed.
You don’t have to be a minimalist, but going through and decluttering things you don’t want can be very beneficial for your overall energy levels!
8. Lack of Clear Boundaries
Boundaries can apply to many different categories of life.
This could mean making too many commitments, having a difficult time saying “no”, or not having clear boundaries for your children. Or even for yourself.
Creating healthy boundaries is crucial in order to prevent mom burnout. A book that I highly recommend is Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend.
9. Nutritional Deficiencies
Nutritional deficiencies can range from not getting enough healthy fats or proteins to having low levels of vitamins and minerals that play a key role in your energy levels (such as iron and vitamin B).
Sure we as moms can feel tired even when all of our bloodwork and nutrition looks great. But if you feel like you are constantly in a state of brain fog and feeling drained, having your blood labs drawn is a good idea!
10. Negativity
Being around negative people is exhausting. But when we ourselves choose negative thoughts and words, we drain our own energy too!
We obviously can’t control those around us even though being around negative people is definitely draining. But we CAN, however, take control of our own mindset.