When I became a stay-at-home mom, I realized how important a routine is, not just for my baby but for me as well. I feel like I am so much more productive when I know what to expect every day, and I can plan for when things can get done and how much I can expect to get done.
It has also really helped Caleb’s sleep too! Caleb used to be a TERRIBLE sleeper. I mean his naps were usually only half an hour, and he would wake up like four times during the night. One day I decided we were going to stick to a routine and once we became consistent with it, his sleep improved tremendously!
I do have to say that I should have added an “ish” to each time slot. We don’t do things by the minute, and that is just life (it’s not going to be perfect). But having this 12-16 month-old routine that helps guide our day has been a game-changer in so many ways!
Wake Up (7:00 am – 7:30 am)

Caleb usually wakes up between 7:00 and 7:30 am. I wish I could say I wake up earlier than him to get some me time but with my second pregnancy, I have really just been trying to get all the sleep I can.
Usually, I will take him out of his crib and bring him into our bed with some books and toys. He usually plays there for another 30 minutes, while I wake up slowly. This has been really nice during the winter months when I just don’t feel like getting up so early, and especially during my first trimester when I had no energy.
Breakfast (8 am)
After getting up, I will put Caleb in his highchair and give him some yogurt melts or a spoon and a cup that can keep him occupied while I make breakfast.
These are some of the breakfast foods that he likes to eat:
-PBJ toast
-yogurt (I add some berries and chia)
– Scrambled eggs and avocado
-banana and strawberries
-Tater tots
Breakfast usually lasts an hour and I will usually give him a sensory activity to play with so that I can also have my breakfast and coffee.
*I will be posting some of the highchair sensory activities that we do that are mess-free so stay tuned for that!
Play (9:00 – 11:30 am)
During this time is when we pull out some blocks, books, and other toys. He does not play by himself for long so I usually end up playing with him for a while. He does love books so I will pull out some books and he will look at those for a while, and I can do some reading during this time too!
Nap (11:30 am – 2is pm)
Caleb (sadly for me) dropped to one nap a day when he turned 14 months and so we moved his nap to 11:30. But I am happy with what I get and he does sleep for at least 2 hours which is perfect for me to be able to do some chores or just relax and have my alone time.
Lunch (2:00 pm – 3 pm)
When Caleb wakes up from his nap, that is when we have lunch and he will usually have whatever we are having but modified so that he can eat it himself. Here are some examples of what we have for lunch:
-Mac and Cheese
-steamed veggies with shredded chicken and cut up fruit
-boiled egg, cut-up bagel with cream cheese, and a fruit
I do have to say that my little one is a VERY picky eater. So sometimes I have to find little tricks to get him to eat his food or make sure that one of the things I am offering is something I know he will eat. One thing that he does usually finish is soup, so that is my favorite way to get him to eat a healthy nutritious meal.
Errands (3:00 pm – 4:00 pm)
I like to get out of the house every day. This is why I usually only shop for enough groceries to last a couple of days so that I can go to the grocery store more often. Around 3 pm is when I take Caleb along with me and we will run some errands like make a return, do some shopping, make a Trader Joe’s run, or whatever else we need to get done.
Getting out of the house every day helps my sanity so much! We live in a small 1000 sq. space, so when we do end up staying inside all day, I go a little crazy with my VERY energetic toddler. And he loves being out and about with his mama too.
**I take a bottle with 7oz of milk with me as a snack for him and it helps if he gets cranky in the car or store.
Dinner (4:00 pm – 5:00 pm)
After running some errands, we will come home and I will get some dinner ready which is around 4 or 4:40 pm. Caleb likes to help out by taking all the pots and pans out of the cupboards while I cook, and we are usually done with dinner by 5 pm.
Outside Time (5:00 pm – 6:00 pm)
Going outside is another thing we like to do every day, and I feel like it really helps Caleb sleep better too! When I get tired out from chasing him around the house, going on a nice long walk really helps us both relax and unwind. Caleb loves sitting in his stroller and just watching out, and I love to listen to either an audiobook, a podcast, or just music.
Sometimes when it is really nice out, instead of taking a walk we will go to a park with a big field and Caleb will get his energy out by running around and picking up sticks. And I get to enjoy an iced vanilla latte in the sunshine; a win-win!
Get Ready for Bedtime (6:00 pm – 7:00 pm)
We start getting Caleb ready for bedtime after we come home around 6 pm. This will usually consist of: a bath, reading a couple of books, putting away toys, and putting on his PJs. We try to not have any screen time during this time because it’s harder for him to fall asleep if he does.
Bedtime (7:00 pm)
By 7 pm, Caleb is in bed and it usually does not take him long to fall asleep. Thinking back to how he was at 6 months old, I can’t believe that I can say that he falls asleep on his own now. It would take a bottle and at least an hour of rocking him before he would fall asleep.
What has helped us the most is having a consistent bedtime and bedtime routine. Having him fall asleep on his own did come with some sacrifices like not being able to stay out late, or visit friends after 7 pm, but the free time it has given me is SO worth it!