After having a second child, things began feeling not so peaceful in our home. I was constantly on edge and overwhelmed because of sleep deprivation. My toddler was being more needy than usual. Life just began feeling a little bit more chaotic (which is normal with the transition of adding another child).
As a mother, I want my children to grow up having warm memories of their childhood home. I want it to reflect Christ and the peace that He brings. I knew that as a homemaker, I would have to start being intentional if I wanted to create a more peaceful environment. I realized, too, that it would have to begin in my own heart and mind.
I want to share here, eight things we are implementing that have made the biggest difference in creating a peaceful environment in our home. I know that these things can make your home a more calm place even if you have small children like I do!
Now, having a peaceful home does not mean that there are no messes or excessive noise. Because with small children we all know that most of the time, that is not the reality. However, it does mean that in the midst of the mess and noise, there is still a sense of joy and calm.
Our home is not perfect and peaceful all the time, but it has definitely improved because of these eight things that I will share.
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means that I make a small commission off a sale if an item is purchased (at no extra cost to you). This does not affect what items I recommend, and I am only listing items that I truly believe are the best.
Ok so here we go…

1. Create a Morning Routine
Your mood and energy have a big (if not the biggest) impact on the environment of your home. After all, you are the homemaker. This is why creating a morning routine to fill your own cup before you see to the needs of others is so important.
If you are like me with small children, you know how difficult it is to find even just a moment to yourself in the day.
Throughout my day, I’m constantly giving giving giving, trying to meet the needs of my toddler, infant, and husband. By the time the kids are in bed and the house is “put away” I am just too exhausted to do anything but go to bed. This is just the season that I am personally in with a toddler and a three-month-old. This is why having some time to myself in the morning before anyone else wakes up is a priority!
It doesn’t have to be some long drawn-out routine. That’s probably not even realistic for most of us anyways! However, making that time to fill your cup in the morning will allow you to begin your day on a positive note which, in turn, will positively impact the atmosphere of your home.
On most days, my morning routine is only 15-20 minutes, but that time to myself makes the biggest difference!
2. Spend Time with the Lord
This one goes hand in hand with the first tip. Taking the first part of your day to spend time in the Word and in prayer will help you begin your day with a peaceful and thankful heart.
I find that when I spend time reading the Bible, I have such a different mindset and things don’t get to me as they would otherwise.
Philippians 4:6 (NIV) says:
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:6 (NIV)
If we want peace to rule our homes then it needs to guard our hearts first, and the way for that to happen is to spend time with the Lord.
3. Create a Rhythm / Routine
Having a rhythm or routine in place is something that will really help your day flow more smoothly. When children know what to expect, the amount of meltdowns they have is significantly decreased!
A strategic routine will also help you get more things done around the home like cleaning, laundry, etc. This all contributes to a more peaceful home too!
4. Fill Your Child’s Cup with Undivided Attention
Giving your child your full attention for just 10-15 minutes can make a huge difference in their behavior. When they don’t receive the attention they need from you, they will try to get it however they can. This can mean more meltdowns, mischievous behavior, or doing things they know they shouldn’t.
Every morning I try to play with my toddler for 10 to 15 minutes. We like to build with blocks, read, color, build train tracks, etc. Once he gets this time with me, he is content playing independently for hours, which allows me to tend to my 3-month-old or check some things off of my to-do list.
I find that when I’m on my phone and not giving him the full attention he needs, he gets frustrated, then I get frustrated that he is misbehaving, and our home ends up feeling not so “peaceful” anymore.
5. Music
Music has an incredible ability and power to influence people. It’s even used for therapy and healing! I love turning on a calming playlist in our home when I am feeling overwhelmed or when my toddler is having a difficult time with his emotions.
This is such a practical and easy way to bring a peaceful atmosphere into your home. Whenever I have music in the background, it’s crazy how much easier it is to keep my cool!
6. Essential Oil Diffuser
I love using an essential oil diffuser because I don’t have to worry about toxins or fragrance in the wax of a candle. But I also love it for diffusing calming oils such as Lavender, Eucalyptus, Sweet Orange, Ylang Ylang, and Bergamont.
I love purchasing this set of everyday essential oils from Amazon:

As well as these:

This is another very practical way to create a calming environment. And it works so well too!
*If you have a small baby, be sure to do your own research as not all essential oils are safe for diffusing around them. Some may even be toxic for little ones.
7. Minimize Screen Time
There are many articles and studies showing how screens can negatively impact our children. But this goes for us adults as well! If watching a screen can make kids wired, it can do the same to us too.
I have found that after spending my day looking at my phone, whether that’s social media, my email, or the news, I am much more antsy and unsettled. I feel uneasy with the things going on in the world after reading a news article or like I should be doing more when I go on social media.
This reflects in my overall mood and the way I respond to my husband and children.
When I stay off my phone, I am able to give the people in my home the attention they need. And when everyone’s cup is full, the home is a much more peaceful and happy environment.
8. De-Clutter
Having too much stuff can bring a sense of stress and overwhelm. It makes it more difficult to keep a clean and organized home, which has a direct effect on the atmosphere and mood of your home too. I find that when my house gets cluttered with stuff, I really do feel more anxious and overwhelmed.
De-cluttering is a great way to create a visually calming atmosphere in your home.
Having a clean home brings me into a more peaceful state of mind and this affects everyone else as well. And with a de-cluttered house, keeping it clean is so much easier!