In the home I grew up in, hospitality was prioritized. My parents had people over regularly for as long as I can remember. Even to this day, there is almost always someone staying over in their home.
But, there was one particular aunt, that whenever she would come over to visit, she would always bring the sweetest hostess gifts. And as a child, I remember thinking “She is so nice! I want to bring thoughtful gifts whenever I grow up and am hosted”.
When it comes to etiquette, it is always nice to bring something whenever coming over to someone’s house, unless it is someone you are close to and visit frequently, or if it is a large event and you don’t know the host well.
Depending on the stay, it doesn’t have to be expensive. Something small like a box of chocolates, flowers, or wine is perfect for dinner at someone’s house. Other times, when it is a housewarming party or an overnight stay, you can do something bigger.
Here are 15 hostess gift ideas that work for any occasion!