After purchasing our home, we knew we were going to do a major remodel and so it was either adding a second bathroom or a laundry room.
I am so thankful that we decided to go with the laundry room!
Our home is quite small (under 1000sq ft.) so our laundry room needed to be compact and we needed to figure out how to fit the washer and dryer, and still have room for shelves and a folding counter. We ended up stacking the washer and dryer in the opening that was just big enough to fit both and used the rest of the space for a counter we bought from IKEA and shelves that we built ourselves. I also wanted to incorporate wallpaper to add a decor element to the room and picked this one from Serena & Lily.
We couldn’t afford to decorate and style the entire house at once so I used whatever baskets I had to put up on the shelves and just left the room alone. It always looked like a big mess because the basket I used as our “laundry hamper” was too small and so clothing would just pile up on the floor beside it.
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Finally, after living in our home for a couple of years I was so ready to give the laundry room a makeover! It wasn’t going to be anything drastic. We had already put in the shelves and wallpaper that I wanted in the beginning, but I wanted to organize and decorate the shelves in a way that was functional but also more aesthetic.
I knew I wanted four rattan baskets (for the top shelf) that were all the same but could not find anything in Home Goods or TJ Maxx (I did not want to pay too much). I decided to check Amazon and found a set of four that worked perfectly!

To fix our problem of always having a pile of clothing on the floor, I decided to get 3 laundry hampers instead of just one. One for whites, one for darks, and one for towels and bedding.
So far, this has been working very well for us. It saves so much time not having to sort through clothing as I am loading the washer!

Most of what I used to re-organize and style my laundry room were items that I already had. The only purchases that I made were the baskets, the three laundry hampers, and the glass jars.

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