I am someone who thrives off of routines. They just make life so much easier and more productive! And kids behave better when they know what to expect.
So when I had my second child, I knew I wanted to create some type of routine as soon as possible! Although it was closer to 5 months after having a new baby that our days began following the same rhythm. In the first couple of months, the baby slept whenever he wanted to…and honestly in the beginning there’s just no such thing as an actual routine.
Now that we have a 6-month-old and a 2-year-old, our routine is pretty well established and works great for the whole family! If you are curious about what a typical day in the life looks like for us with a toddler and a baby, feel free to stick around and find out!
I do have to say that although we have a routine, it is not ALWAYS followed to a T. Sundays are typically more laid back and the kids end up going to bed later. Also, sometimes the kids will wake up a little bit earlier or a little bit later so that pushes the times too (although I do try to stick to the nap times and bedtimes pretty closely).
This routine is for us to have some structure, but it does not rule us.

6:00 – 6:30 AM – Get up with Baby
Benji gets up around 7 am each morning and I usually get up with him. I love my alone time in the mornings, but since I still wake up to feed him a couple of times throughout the night, it just does not work for me in the current season I am in.
After we both get up, I feed him and then put him on the floor to play with toys. While he is content, I will go wash up and get ready for the day.
Since he is content playing by himself for a while I also like to have my morning devotions during this time.
7:00 AM – Toddler Wakes Up
Caleb (our 2-year-old) usually wakes up an hour later which allows me to have a slower, quieter start to my day.
When he wakes up, I will get him dressed and ready for the day and then we head into the kitchen to make breakfast.

7:30 AM – Breakfast
By 7:30 am we are in the kitchen, making breakfast.
Caleb LOVES to help out so by the time breakfast is ready, the kitchen is quite a mess! I do not mind, though, because we have fun and he gets to learn a few skills.
We usually have oatmeal or something that has to do with eggs (scrambled eggs, quiche, breakfast sandwiches, breakfast burritos, omelets, etc).

8:00 AM – Structured Activities + Free Play
By the time I clean the kitchen after we all have breakfast, it is around 8 am (sometimes it is closer to 8:30 if breakfast takes longer to make).
During this time, I will either read to Caleb or go over something educational with him like colors, the alphabet, or counting numbers (while the baby plays independently).
After spending some one-on-one time with my toddler, I have some one-on-one time with my 6-month-old. I will either read to him or just play and entertain him.
I feel like my baby is at the age where I am able to finally have some quality time with both of my children. Whereas before, he required more attention, and I wasn’t able to give as much attention to my 2-year-old as I wanted to.
When the weather is nice, we go outside during this time too.
10:00 AM – Baby’s First Nap
After some playtime, it is now time for Benji’s first nap.
I give him a bottle and put him down in his crib, and he usually sleeps for 1.5 to 2 hours.
After I put Benji to bed, I set Caleb up with a craft activity. It could be coloring, painting, play dough, stickers, sorting, etc. Whatever I plan the night before.
This is when I have a cup of coffee and do some work while Caleb plays independently. I can also clean an area of the house or do some laundry during this time too.
11:00 AM Caleb’s Snack Time
After about an hour of putting the baby to bed, Caleb has his first snack and then continues playing until Benji wakes up.
12:00 PM – Outdoor Play/Walk
After Benji wakes up, we like to go outside for some much-needed fresh air. This is my favorite time of day, especially when the sun is out!
If it is a rainy day, this is probably the only time in our day that we go outside but I make sure to go outside with the kids every day, even if it is only for 15 minutes.
On days I need to run an errand with the kids, this is the time I will usually do it.
1:00 PM – Lunchtime
We usually have lunch around 1 pm, depending on how much time we spend outside and how late our breakfast is.
Lunch is pretty simple around here. It might be a sandwich, fresh veggies with hummus, leftovers, etc.
For myself, I usually make a salad.
2:00 PM – Nap
When both children nap at the same time during the day, I can have a two (ish) hour window where I can get quite a bit done.
Sometimes, this is when I will have a babysitter over so that I can run errands and do some grocery shopping.
Caleb has recently started to resist his naps, which has been a difficult adjustment for me honestly. He has been starting out with “quiet time” in his room, which usually only lasts for about 20 minutes and then it’s free play in the living room until his brother wakes up.
During this time I also try to get some things done around the house like laundry or dinner prep.
3:30 – 4:00 PM – Children Wake Up & Snack While I Begin Dinner
By this time, both kids are awake and I start making dinner.
This is probably the most chaotic time of the day in our home. My toddler likes to be in the kitchen with me and sometimes that means everything comes out of the drawers.
During this time, the baby is in his Bumbo seat with some toys and snacks. He is usually pretty content in there for about 20 minutes and then he gets fussy, so I end up wearing him.
5:00 PM – Have Dinner
I like to have dinner on the table at 5:30 (at the latest). This allows us to still have some time to spend together as a family before bedtime. I also like to clean the kitchen as I prepare dinner so that there is not much clean-up after.
6:00 PM – Clean-Up after Dinner While Kids Play
After we finish our dinner, my husband plays with the kids, while I clear the table and load the dishwasher.
6:30 PM – Begin Nighttime Routine
Our nighttime routine begins around 6:30 pm for both children (I get Benji ready for bed first and then Caleb).
It consists of taking a bath, putting on PJs, brushing teeth, and then just before 7:00 pm I will put Benji down and read Caleb a book.
7:00 – 7:15 PM – Bedtime
Both children are in bed by 7:15 (ish). Benji goes down a little bit before Caleb because it allows me to read to him before bed. And by 6:40-6:50, he is rubbing his eyes so he is totally ready for bed.
This bedtime has not always worked for us. But now that Benji is a bit older and can go with only 2 naps during the day, I can put him down to bed a bit earlier with my toddler.
Once the kids are in bed, I have time to clean and do more laundry. Then I am able to spend some quality time with my husband.
Thanks for checking out our daily routine with a baby and a toddler! Every family has their own rhythm, but I hope that our schedule has inspired you to think of ways you can overlap your children’s schedules so that you have more free time for yourself!