When I found out I was having a boy, I did not know I was going to enjoy shopping for clothes for him as much as I do now. I found really cute items at stores I normally shop at, and discovered quite a few new online stores as well!
BUT… what I also did not know is how pricey it is to shop for baby clothes (almost as much as for an adult!). And after having my first I now know how quickly they grow out of things. And I now make an effort to buy clothing that is affordable but also invest in some cute pieces that I know are good quality and can last for future children (God willing).
Here, I am sharing my favorite stores to shop at for a baby boy that are budget-friendly, as well as a couple of other places that are more pricey but have really cute and good-quality pieces.
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means that I make a small commission off a sale if an item is purchased (at no extra cost to you). This does not affect what items I recommend, and I am only listing items that I truly believe are the best.
Old Navy
Old Navy is one of my go-to’s for baby clothes because of how affordable it is! They have sales all the time so that makes it extra affordable. Plus, their baby clothes are soo cute! These are a few of my favorite pieces that they have this spring:

HM is another place that I always go to, to find some cute and affordable outfits. They also have sales quite often but I do find that their baby styles sell out fast!!

Who doesn’t love Amazon?! It has become one of my favorite places to shop for baby items and clothing too! I have purchased pieces that were not fitting properly or were bad quality, but I also found lots of cute and affordable (!) outfits. Plus Amazon is the easiest place to return things to if something does not work out so I always have a piece of mind.

Whenever I go to Zara, I end up spending way too much time in the baby section. Their baby clothes are the cutest! Sadly, I don’t shop here often because it is on the spendier side for me. BUT…they do have two big sales during the year, one in the winter and another at the beginning of summer. That is when I buy all the things. I love the quality too! The pieces last very well and do not get worn out with washes like others do.

Gap is another place that I like to go to when looking for baby boy clothing. I always find great items here! Plus they often have sales which make it affordable too.

Rylee and Cru
Rylee and Cru is definitely on the pricey end and I don’t shop there often. However, they do have some of the CUTEST baby/ toddler clothing in my opinion!! Every so often I will splurge and buy some pieces for my baby, and I just love every item I have received which is why I am including it in my top favorite places to shop.