When my baby was nearing his 3rd month, I began researching what toys and other baby items are the best for their development. This is a period of time when babies start reaching lots of different milestones like getting a first tooth, starting solids, rolling over, reaching for toys, and so on. I wanted to be prepared and so I purchased quite a few baby items. However, in this post, I want to share my favorite 3-6 month baby essentials that my baby loved and that made my life so much easier!
Disclaimer: Please note that I am just sharing my own personal thoughts and opinions as a fellow mama. It should not be taken as professional or parental advice. Each baby hits milestones at different times, so consult your baby’s pediatrician about when you should begin introducing different things.
Also, this post may contain affiliate links as. This means that I make a small commission from a purchase made through the link. This is at no extra cost to you.
1. Halo Velcro Swaddle
This Velcro swaddle was a great transition between a full swaddle and a sleep sack. Caleb loved being swaddled but he would wiggle his way out at night so this Velcro swaddle really helped him be cozy all night long and I was calm knowing that his face wouldn’t get covered by his swaddle if it became undone.
2. Gunamuna Sleepsack
Once baby begins rolling over, it is time to stop swaddling according to sleep safety experts. I wanted to find a sleep sack that would feel help my baby feel cozy and secure but also one that he could use for several months. I found this Gunamuna one and loved it! It has different filling amounts for different temperatures (0.5 tog, 1.0 tog, and 2.6 tog). I chose the 2.6 tog because of how cozy it was since my baby loved to be swaddled and warm at night. When I got this thing I couldn’t believe how soft it was! I did pill after washes but he used it until he was almost one and it held up pretty well.
3. Silicone Feeder
Another baby item that I used daily during the 3-6 month stage! I would put a frozen fruit inside and my baby loved to chew on it. The frozen fruit also worked as a great teether when he was in discomfort. He started becoming interested in food around 5 months, and always wanted what we were eating. So using this feeder allowed me to give him a fruit or veggie without worrying that he would choke on it.
4. 3-6 Month Replacement Nipples
This is a no-brainer but I did include it here because it is a necessity for the 3-6 month stage. I knew I had to change my baby’s bottle nipple out when I began hearing him suck the bottle. This makes them suck in air which could cause a gassy uncomfortable tummy.
5. High Chair
We got a highchair when my baby was 5 months old and started being able to sit up. I loved this one because of its neutral design and the tray is adjustable so it can be used until 3 years. It also has adjustable legs for different heights.
6. Humidifier
A humidifier is great to have from the beginning but I am including it here because we did not get ours until Caleb was about 3 months old. They really help with congestion especially in the winter months when the air is really dry.
7. Bumbo Seat
Caleb has been a super alert and curious baby from like day one. He would only like being held facing out and if I carried him facing myself he would begin to cry. The same was for laying him down. If I was doing something, he would cry after a couple of minutes if I would lay him down in his swing. He wanted to observe everything so as soon as he was able to sit with support, I bought him this Bumbo seat.
This seat was really useful when I was cooking in the kitchen or doing laundry. I would just sit him in and place him next to me and he would watch whatever I was doing. This seat is also great because of the tray so we would take it camping with us and use it as a “high chair” where he could eat his food.
8. Baby Orajel
Babies start teething at very different times. Mine began at around 4 months old and this baby Orajel really helped us out! I did not want to get something that had medication in it so I found this baby one that is benzocaine free. It’s also free of colors, menthol, and other stuff. It has a cooling effect that temporarily helped out with the discomfort.
9. Sophie Giraffe
This giraffe toy is a bit pricey in my opinion, but it worked great as a teether! It was another item I tried to always have on hand. I love that it is made out of natural rubber and is another perfect grabby toy that kept my little one entertained.
10. Manhattan Toy
Caleb began grabbing toys at 3 months old, and this manhattan toy was one of his favorites! Whenever we would go to church and I needed to have something to occupy him if he got bored, this toy did the trick! I also love the neutral look of this one.
11. Silicone Bib
Caleb began solids when he turned 5. This is when I decided to get one of these silicone bibs. We didn’t use it too much at first since I would spoon-feed him simple purees but later when we began to let him grab his own food ( like cut up sweet potato, squash fries, etc) this bib really came in handy!
12. Tummy Time Mirror
Getting a little mirror for tummy time really helped my baby to stay on his tummy longer. Initially, he hated tummy time and would start crying immediately. I searched for something that would entertain him and hopefully get him to stay on his tummy for a little and this mirror worked! He would still only stay on his tummy for several minutes but this was better than nothing at all.
13. Soft Crinkle Book
A soft book is another great toy for babies 3-6 months old. I would give this to Caleb during car rides and it would keep him entertained for a little bit. It’s a great sensory toy that can keep them entertained.
14. Rattle
A rattle is another obviously great toy to have for a 3-6-month-old baby as they start showing interest in toys. Caleb is already one and he still likes to play with this one when we are in the car or at church.
15. Ergobaby Omni 360 All-Position Baby Carrier
I included this in my Favorite Newborn Essentials post but I wanted to mention it again here because of how much it came in handy during the 3-6 month stage. He did not like it as a newborn but when he turned 5 months old and was able to face out we used it all the time! Caleb did not like being in a stroller so having this baby carrier saved the day when I had to go do some shopping or go for a walk and so on.
16. Organic Baby Food Book
When Caleb was given the okay by his pediatrician to begin eating solids, I was overwhelmed and unsure of what types of foods to give him, how often to feed him solids, etc. This book really helped me and gave me baby meal prep ideas so that I always had a puree ready for him to eat.
17. Baby Nutribullet
This Baby Nutribullet has come in handy pretty much every day since my baby has started solids. I love that I can blend up a soup that we are all eating and give it to him as well. It also comes with little containers that you can put in the fridge or freeze for later, so you always have something on hand!
That pretty much wraps it up for my most used 3-6 month baby essentials. I know that a lot of these things are not absolutely ESSENTIAL but these are the things that really made my life so much easier!! I hope that this does not overwhelm you, but helps you to see what other moms actually use and love because it can be hard to decide what to get with so many things out there!