We recently came back from our family vacation trip to Hawaii, and I wanted to share some things I took that actually SAVED us, some things that made the trip enjoyable, AND some things that I wish I had on the trip. I have also shared a packing list that I made for our trip, which you can check out here if you are interested.
When I was planning on what to take, I looked up similar posts because this was our first vacation with two children (a 2-year-old and an 8-month-old). I was a bit nervous but am so thankful for all the posts like this out there. They gave me a better idea of what to bring with us.
So here I am doing the same – sharing some “essentials” you may want to consider bringing with you too if you are going to be vacationing with small children any time soon.
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means that as an Amazon Associate, I make a small commission off a sale if an item is purchased (at no extra cost to you). This does not affect which items I recommend, as I am only listing products that I truly believe are the best.

1. Portal Sound Machine – If your baby sleeps with a sound machine at home like mine does, this portable one is going to be a total must-have on your trip.
2. Toddler Life-Jacket – We really like this life-jacket because it keeps our toddler from flipping on his face/back like some of the other ones out there.
3. Baby Boat – Our baby loved this! And we were able to relax in the water next to him knowing he was safe in his own floatie.
4. Snack Spinner – This is something I wish I would have taken along on the trip. It would have been so much more convenient to take snacks with us to the water, and we wouldn’t have the problem of sand mixing with the snacks.
5. Toddler Cup – We usually use regular cups at home, but when on the go in the car or on the plane we take this cup with us to prevent any spills.
6. Baby/Toddler Sunglasses – When I put these on my toddler at first, he was not a fan. But after several attempts, he realized it was actually nice not having to squint all day.
7. Baby Fruit Feeder – This is one of my favorite baby items, and it really came in use during the trip! Whenever I need my little one to sit for a minute while I go do something, or if we are eating and he just finished his bottle, I give him this feeder with a banana or strawberry in it and it keeps him occupied for a bit. This feeder is also great with frozen fruit if your baby is teething!
8. Babyganics Sunscreen – This is the sunscreen we used for the kids.
9. Disposable Diaper Bags – These are the disposable diaper bags I used on the trip.
10. Swiming Diapers – These are the swim diapers I used. One thing I wish I knew when we went on our first beach trip with Caleb (our two-year-old) is that they only hold in #2. So if you put the swim diaper on in the hotel and are driving to the beach, baby will likely be soaked through by the time you get to the beach.
11. Toddler Headphones – I was so thankful that I purchased these headphones for the trip because they were the one thing that was used the most on our flights.
12. Portable Fan – This is so nice to attach to a stroller so that your baby stays somewhat cool when you’re at the beach or by the pool.
13. Water Wipes – An obvious must-have if you’re going anywhere with little ones!
14. Sand Toys – We couldn’t take all the beach things with us since we were flying, but we did make sure to take Caleb’s beach toys. And I’m so glad we did because he was occupied playing in the sand for hours!
15. Sun Hats – I like this neutral one from Gap.
16. Baby Swim Romper – This is the best UV protection for little ones. I only had to apply sunscreen to his legs and hands, which was nice!
17. Beach Blanket – This beach blanket is one of my favorite beach essentials. I love that it is completely sand-proof (meaning all the sand just falls off when you pack it up) and it is super easy to wipe down if any spills/messes happen.
18. Beach Tote – I love this beach bag for several reasons. There is a cooler section for drinks and snacks, as well as pockets on the sides for easy access. And it’s large enough to fit everything you need to take with you when you have little ones.
Thanks for stopping by! I hope that this list was helpful and gave you a better idea of what to pack on your trip!