It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you begin to plan for all the things you need to get before the baby arrives. If this is your first pregnancy, how do you know what is ACTUALLY essential? When shopping for baby, I tried to be as minimalistic as possible. However, that was a bit tricky because there are SO MANY “newborn essentials” out there! And everything is so cute! I still ended up buying things that I didn’t need or use.
In this post, I’m sharing newborn essentials that proved to be very useful. Keep in mind, that no two babies are alike so while these items proved to be necessary for my newborn, it may be different in your situation.
**This post contains affiliate links since I am part of the Amazon Affiliate Program which means that I make a small commission of the sale if an item is purchased at no extra cost to you. This does not affect what items I recommend, and I am only listing items that I personally loved and used.
1. Breast Pump
Being able to get things done while pumping is a win in my book! That is why I chose the Elvie Double Electric Breast Pump. It is a bit on the pricier side, but a really good investment!
I did find that the hospital grade one that I rented at first was able to get more milk out but this one was really convenient and got the job done.
*Just a side note, if you are worried about supply I would use something like a Spectra or Medela because I have heard that these are not as efficient as those in terms of getting more milk out.
2. Nursing Pillow

You can be minimalistic and just use a regular pillow when breastfeeding your baby, but I found this one to be really good because it stays in place with the ties. A lot of the other nursing pillows shift around, and you find yourself hunching over to nurse, which leaves you with a bad backache!
3. Diapers and Wipes

I chose the Honest brand diapers and wipes because of their clean “ingredients”. They are also plant-based and hypoallergenic which is important to me when putting things on my baby.
On a side note, babies grow very quickly! I would make sure to get Size N, 1 and 2 so that you are covered for the first few months.
4. Breast Milk Storage Bags
These are important for when you need to bottle feed your baby. Personally, I did not have enough supply at first to be able to store away extra breast milk, but definitely a must if you are blessed with enough supply!
5. Haakaa
Sooo, one thing that I did not know before giving birth was that when you are feeding your baby, you start leaking milk from the other breast as well. This is why having a haakaa is important so that you can save all that precious gold!
6. Bottles
I cannot count how many bottles I have gone through. My newborn was what they call “colicky” with really bad reflux. He had such a hard time after eating so we tried to see if switching his bottle would help. I personally have two favorites: the Comotomo and the Dr. Brown’s Anti Colic Bottle.

The Comotomo is great because it mimics breastfeeding so transitioning from breastfeeding to this bottle was easy for me. It also has anti-colic vents and a nice silicone material that is BPS Free, Phthalates Free, BPA Free, Nitrosamines Free, and Lead-Free.

Dr. Brown’s bottle is another one that worked well for us. It has a good consistent flow and mimics breastfeeding as well. I felt like the vent also helped my baby out with the gas.
I would also recommend having a couple of extra bottles because it is easy to lose one and that way you have a backup if you do.
7. Bottle Brush

This one is an obvious one, the only thing that can really get into all the ridges to clean out that bottle well. The one I have linked is a pack of 2 for under $6.
8. Pacifier with Clip

Using a pacifier is controversial and some babies just refuse to take it. This is something that I personally chose to use. I know that when my siblings were infants a pacifier really calmed them down and it’s nice to have something like that when you are out and about, and they are not hungry but need some comfort.
A clip is a must in my opinion because those suckers are so easy to lose! I would use one with a clip. That way if it falls out, it will still be right there. Plus, Etsy has so many cute customizable ones!
9. Bum Protective Cream
This cream is amazing! My newborn never got any bad diaper rashes because as soon as I saw some redness, I would put this on, and in just a little bit, it was all gone! Not only does it work great, but it’s also free from any dyes, preservatives, parabens, or talc.
10. Thermometer

This Fridababy Rectal Thermometer is another must-have. Rectal thermometers are the most accurate which is why I chose to go with this one instead of the forehead or ear one. This is one of those things that you want to make sure you have a good one because fevers can be quite dangerous, and you want an accurate reading.
11. FridaBaby Snotsucker

My husband thought this snot-sucker was gross, but boy did it save some nights! I personally prefer this one to the bulb.
Just a side note, you do want to make sure you don’t use too much negative pressure when sucking out the boogies because their noses are still so delicate when they’re newborns.
12. Gripe Water

Gripe Water is another thing that saved me in the newborn phase. As I already mentioned, my baby was a very colicky one. When he would start to cry at night, I would give him a little bit before his crying got out of hand and it really did calm him down. I don’t know what it is about this gripe water, but I found that it helped a lot. I always made sure to have it on hand everywhere I went!
13. Frida Windi Baby

This product is super helpful for gassy babies. My newborn would get tummy aches from all the gas built up in his tummy and this FridaBaby Windi came to the rescue multiple times.
14. Baby Probiotics

I have found that giving my newborn a probiotic helped regulate my baby’s bowel movements and improve sleep. Consult with your pediatrician before using.
15. Baby Washcloths

I always have a couple of these by me at all times. My newborn would spit up ALL THE TIME so it was nice to have a small cloth that I could use to wipe when we were out and about, at church, or at home too. I prefer having a couple of small washcloths instead of the bigger burp cloth because I would wipe his spit up and then just use another clean washcloth for the next time. And then for burping him, I would just use one of his muslin blankets.
16. Baby Soap and Lotion

Again, I used the Honest brand for these as well. I would just make sure whatever you are using has clean ingredients that is gentle on the baby’s soft skin. It’s nice because these come in a set, so I would just buy multiple sets of them.
17. Baby Towel

I would also get a baby towel because they are softer than the regular towels in the home, and when baby is very young, their skin is very soft and sensitive. They are just so cute too!
18. Blankets

When I had my baby shower, I was gifted so many blankets. Before the baby, I thought it was completely unnecessary and that I would probably just re-gift some of them. But after having the baby I actually found that it was really helpful having all those blankets. It’s nice to use them when you are laying your baby down on the couch or doing tummy time on the floor as a barrier. My baby would also spit up on them so they would end up in the wash and it was nice to have another one that I could pull out.

A plush one like this is also really good to have in the winter months.
19. Swaddle

Every baby is different but a lot of them really do like to be swaddled and it keeps them from waking themselves up from the startle reflex. I prefer the stretchy ones because I feel that they stay put better than the other ones. The muslin blankets were very cute, but I found that my baby would wiggle his way out of them every time!
20. Sleep Sack

We began putting our baby in a sleep sack after he turned 3 months and I used this Gunamuna one. It is a bit on the pricier side, but we loved it. It’s super soft and perfect for the colder months!
21. Hats
Hats are also good to have especially if you give birth in the winter months. I would put a hat on at night because they lose a lot of heat through their heads and being in the womb for 9 months, they are used to being nice and warm.
22. Nail Trimmer Kit

Baby nails grow so fast!! I really liked this kit because it not only has the clippers but also the nail filer which I also liked to use.
23. Newborn Footies and Onesies
During the first couple of months, all your baby really wears is sleepwear. I know that there are so many cute newborn clothes out there and I am one of those people that really wanted to have some cute newborn outfits. In reality, though, I maybe put my baby in a cute outfit a couple of times but most of them were never even worn.

Kyte Baby is my favorite brand for footies, they are so soft! I would wash them after every single wear, and they are still as soft as when I first got them. You really do want to invest in good-quality ones because they will end up in a wash quite a bit.

I would also make sure to have quite a few simple onesies because they go through them like five times a day!
24. Baby Hamper

Having a separate baby hamper is really nice because that way the clothes stay together, and you can just wash it all together as well using a gentle detergent. Most of my baby’s clothes are white or light colors so I always wash them separately. It worked out really well to have his own baby hamper in his nursery. Makes a cute addition to the nursery too!
25. Bassinet

According to pediatricians, the best place for a baby to sleep is in a bassinet in your room for the first couple of months. However, to each their own if you decided to put them in a crib or co-sleep, no judgment! This bassinet is really nice because it is almost like you are co-sleeping but they are still safely in their own space. It allows you to adjust the bassinet to your bed height and push down the side of the bassinet for easy access when they wake up to feed.
This one also comes with a nightlight, as well as vibration and sounds to help soothe the baby.
I originally got the Design Dua Basket bassinet, and it is really cute! The basket is durable, and you can bring it to wherever you are during the day and keep an eye on your newborn while they nap. However, if you do breastfeed just keep in mind that you would have to get up and bend down to pick up your baby at night.
26. Baby Carrier

A baby carrier did not work for my baby when he was a newborn. He absolutely refused it and every time I would put him in, he would just cry the whole time. However, I do know that a lot of moms swear by having a baby carrier and it lets them get things done and even puts the baby to sleep.
Later on, when my baby was about 5 months old and could face out, he did end up loving it and we even used it more than the stroller.
27. Diaper Bag

Diaper bags are so expensive these days! That is why I chose to go with this one. I have been using it for a year now and it still looks exactly the same. It has all the compartments you need and costs a fraction of the cost of some of the bags out there. I do like the size because you’d be surprised how many things you need to pack to just go out for a couple of hours!
28. White Noise Machine

A white noise machine has been so helpful, and I still use it to this day with my now-one-year-old. He can sleep without it, but I find that it helps to block out background noise and it just helps settle him down better. This one is great for so many reasons! You can control it via Bluetooth from your phone and use it as a night light as well.
29. Baby Monitor

A baby monitor is essential in my opinion, especially if your baby will eventually be moved into his or her new room. I chose this one because the image quality is awesome! It also sends alerts to your phone if baby rolls over, or if their face is covered, which is so cool!
30. Baby Caddy/ Drawer Organizers

There are so many little things that a baby needs and it’s really helpful to have everything organized so that when you need something you know exactly where it is. You can also get a caddy and place it on top of the dresser, but I personally preferred having the drawer organizers so that everything was out of sight and organized inside the drawer.
Another tip is to have a caddy on your nightstand if your baby is sleeping in your room because it provides easy access to whatever you need and everything is in one place right next to you.
31. Play Mat

It’s good to get your newborn to have tummy time every day, and a playmat can also keep them entertained for a little. This was one of the few places I was able to put down my baby without him crying if I needed to do something.
I personally love this Lovevery one because of the different development zones that encouraged my little one to lay on his tummy.
32. Baby Bouncer

This is the only rocker/swing thing that my baby liked. Like I’ve mentioned before, every baby is different and there’s no way to know if your baby will like a certain swing or motion. We purchased a swing that had different motion settings as well and he did not like it at all.
I’m the oldest child of 9 kids and I remember my younger siblings as infants, and they were all put to sleep in a bouncer like this. My sister also used it for her kids, and they loved it!
33. Infant Tub
I found this infant tub super convenient. It has a sling that you use for newborns, which you can take off when baby gets bigger. I still use this tub for my one-year-old and it gives me peace of mind that he’s not going to slip into the water. The only downside is that it does take up space. We just keep it in our bath/shower and take it out when we need to.
34. Infant Tylenol

This is something you would need to consult with your pediatrician but having this on hand for my baby really helped out multiple times! Some babies begin to teeth quite early and giving my baby Tylenol relieved the pain and helped him fall asleep.
35. Baby Car-Seat and Mirror
If there is one thing you absolutely need to have before the baby comes, it’s a car seat. Hospitals won’t let you take your baby home unless you have a car seat in your car. What I did not know before having a baby is that car seats have expiration dates. So, if you are buying one off of someone make sure to check that it is not expired. This car seat, in particular, is nice because it is very light.

You also will need a car mirror to be able to see your baby while driving.
36. Stroller

Choosing a stroller can be a daunting task. There are so many out there to choose from! And some of them just about cost an arm and a leg. When choosing a stroller, you have to consider your lifestyle. Do you want something more lightweight? Do you want an option that can grow with your baby and even fit two kiddos if you have more than one?
I personally chose to go with the Nuna Mixx Next stroller. It allows you to use a car seat, bassinet, or seat. It’s also pretty lightweight and can be used from birth to 50 lbs.
37. Baby Mitts and Boots

These are my favorite mitts and booties by GoumiKids. They stay on super well unlike the baby socks that I feel like are no point to even put on because they fall off like three seconds later. I love how soft these are too!
It can be pretty overwhelming deciding what newborn essentials to buy. There are so many other newborn items out there on the market, but these are the ones that I actually used and made my life so much easier!
Be sure to check out my post on my Most Used 3-6 Month Baby Essentials as well!