I’ve been wanting to share our toddler’s coat closet/entryway system for a while now. It was super simple and affordable to create, and it’s been working so well for us!
While I’m not the type of mom who always follows the Montessori ways, it has inspired me to create an entryway system that promotes independence and a sense of responsibility. One of the (many) goals I have is to teach my children responsibility and pass on a love for cleanliness. I realize that the younger I begin cultivating these traits, the better. And this entryway system is just one of the many ways to do it.
While Caleb still needs some help taking off his shoes and coat, he is always so proud of himself after putting them away by himself.
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Since we live in a small home that is around 1,000 sq, I had to be creative to find a spot that did not make our home look feel cluttered. I decided to use the inside of our coat closet for our toddler’s coats and hats and placed the basket and hooks at a height that was reachable for him.
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