As soon as the kids go to bed, I get started on my daily evening routine. This routine is one that I do EVERY SINGLE day. I know that if I don’t, the next day is going to be overwhelming and I’m just not going to feel my best as a mom.
When creating an evening routine, it is necessary to think about the most important things that will impact your next morning. These are some questions to ask yourself:
- What is something you do (or don’t do) at night that affects your mood in the morning?
- What are some things you can do after the kids go to bed that you can’t do during the day?
- What are some things you can do in the evening to make your next day run more efficiently? (like laying out your clothes, planning out the next day, etc.)
Since I try to go to bed by 10:30 pm, I only have so much time to get things done. So for me, the priorities are making sure everything around the house is put away in its spot, the dishes are washed and put away (I don’t currently have a dishwasher), and all the main surfaces are clean (kitchen table, countertops, stove, and floor).
As a stay-at-home mom, it is easy (and honestly sometimes tempting) to leave things for the next day. Because we know it’s going to get messy again and we’ll have to clean it again anyway. BUT, for me to stay motivated and have a positive mind space, each day must be a new beginning and a fresh slate.

Pick Up The House
The first thing I do after the children are in bed is go around and put all the things that we took out and played with during the day back into their “homes”. If you would like to read about how I keep my home clean with two toddlers, you can read that post here.
This step of the evening routine begins in the living room. There are usually scattered toys, extra clothing that the kids took off, and other random items from the kitchen that my one-year-old likes to bring.
I then move to the kitchen, the main bathroom, the hallway, and the boys’ room (I tidy it when I know they are finally sleeping). Because our home is only about 1,000 sq. ft., one of the things I have been thankful for is not having a huge area to clean!
Wash, Dry, and Put Away Dishes
Since our dishwasher broke almost half a year ago, I have been washing and drying all our dishes by hand. I didn’t think I would manage to keep up with the dishes, but I have managed to create a daily dishwashing rhythm that prevents the sink from getting too full in the evening.
As dinner is finishing up cooking on the stove, or oven, I like to wash whatever dishes I have used so that when we sit down to eat, the sink is mostly empty. That way, after dinner I only have to wash the plates we used to serve and eat from.
Wipe Couners and Main Surfaces
After putting away all the dishes, I like cleaning the stovetop, kitchen counters, and dining table. I also wipe down the baby’s highchair, chairs, fridge, and our non-working dishwasher.
Straighten Out Living Room
Once the kitchen is cleaned, I move on to the living room and fix all of the pillows and throw blankets. My toddlers like to throw all of the pillows on the floor when they play after dinner, so I just put everything back and make sure everything looks neat and ready for the next day.
Another thing I do every night is vacuum all the main traffic areas. This includes the entryway, the living room, the kitchen, and the hallway.
Even though I vacuum after breakfast, it’s amazing how much my vacuum picks up at the end of the day again. Because my little one is at the age where he puts everything in his mouth, vacuuming often is one way I can make sure there are no choking hazards lying around on the floor.
Fold & Put Away Laundry
I have recently been doing the laundry folding in the evening because I love putting on a podcast and folding the laundry in peace after the kiddos are in bed.
It is my least favorite chore but doing it while listening to something has been enjoyable and even therapeutic. My current favorite podcast is Made For This by Jennie Allen!
Shower & Evening Skincare
Once the house is put back in order, it is time for my evening shower and skincare routine. If you would like to see what my skincare routine consists of, you can check that out here. But it is super simple and inexpensive!
After finishing up with skincare, I like to quickly wipe down the bathroom counters and mirror. It is easier for me to clean smaller messes more often than to have them pile up and spend more time cleaning.
Read & Journal
My favorite part of the evening is when I sit down with my Bible or a good book and read with a cup of tea. Honestly, I am guilty of scrolling on my phone in the evening sometimes, but I always try to read at least a little bit before bed. I find that it is a way of investing in myself.
Along, with a book, I like to have my journal out too. I like to take notes of what I am reading or just journal about my day if I feel like I need to get something out.
Plan for the Next Day
As a stay-at-home mom, I find that for my days to be productive I have to need to make plans ahead of time. The evening is the best time for me because that is when my mind is racing with all of the things I still need to do. The first thing I do is just brain-dump all of my thoughts and to-dos. Then I see what I can put into the next day’s agenda.
Planning for the next day also includes putting out my clothes for the next day.
This part of my evening routine is important because makes the days run so much smoother!
In Bed By 10:30 PM
On most days, I try to be in bed at 10:30 PM. I get up around 6:30 AM so this gives me about 8 hours of sleep which I feel like I really need these days!