Being a stay-at-home mom is one of the most difficult jobs you can have. You may not get appreciated or thanked for it. Days can start blending in together, and the weekend is just another two days where you have to do what you do every day.
Becoming a stay-at-home mom was a huge transition for me. I loved my independence, being able to go where I needed whenever I wanted. So when I had my newborn, I really struggled mentally because I was home all day every day for the first couple of months. Taking my baby out was very difficult. He hated the car seat and his stroller and was just a very fussy baby in general. I realized I needed to figure out a way to help me stay sane because being at home all day every day with my baby was not good for my mental health. I’m sharing some of the things I did to help me stay sane as a stay-at-home mom with a baby.
1. Get ready for the day
This is pretty big, and you may have heard it before. Some moms like to get up before their kids to do this, but I wasn’t getting enough sleep as it was, so getting up earlier wasn’t something I wanted to do. My baby was already waking up around 6:30-7 am. My husband was great support and he would watch him in the morning for a couple of hours while I was able to sleep in for 30 minutes and then get up and get ready for the day.
Getting ready for me just meant getting out of my PJ’s, putting on some real clothes, and then doing my hair and makeup. It was nothing fancy, my makeup routine was very simple consisting of putting on concealer, mascara, and some lip gloss. It really made a difference in my mood and energy though! There were some days where I did not bother and on those days I did not want to get out of the house and found myself feeling just…blah.

2. Create a Routine
We started implementing a routine once my baby was around 6 months old. I think this really made the biggest difference. Having a routine really helped with my baby’s sleep which helped me a ton too! I able to get things done around the house now that we had scheduled nap times, and even began a few hobbies with some extra free time.
Picking a routine and sticking to it can really help if your baby is not good at taking naps, or sleeping at night. It can also help you find free time for yourself which is really important too!

3. Make a Weekly Plan
As a stay-at-home mom, it can oftentimes seem like the days all blend together. Very often, I would forget what day it was and without having a pre-planned week, I would lose my motivation and just start feeling…blah. To stay productive and even look forward to the next day, I found it really helpful to make a plan for the week and write down top priorities for each day. This helps me stay productive and get things done. However, I also like to plan little outings or get together with a friend which helps fill my cup.
4. Get Daily Exercise In
Exercise is obviously really important in helping you stay sane. However, I find it really difficult to find someone to watch my little one to be able to go to the gym, and working out with him at home doesn’t work well either. My exercise is getting Caleb into his stroller and going for a walk around the neighborhood. We sometimes go to a park or trail too. This way, we both get some fresh air and I get my exercise in.
5. Get Out of the House
I remember the first couple of weeks after giving birth. I pretty much stayed inside our little house for the entire time during those first weeks. I ended up needing something for my baby, and since I wasn’t able to send my husband I ended up going to target myself. It really helped me feel human again! Sometimes, just going to the grocery store and seeing other people helps put you in a better mood and headspace. I try to get out every day, even if it’s just walking through the store without the intention of buying anything.
6. Find a Side Hobby or Project
Finding time for a hobby can be difficult if your baby is really young and you have household things to do when they are asleep. Since implementing a routine where Caleb goes to bed at 7 pm and takes a two-hour nap during the day, I was able to find some time for my side projects and hobbies. One of them is this blog. Finding something that you enjoy really helps bring fulfillment and makes you feel like your own person!
7. Plan a Get-Together With a Friend
Finding the time to catch up with a friend can be a challenge in this crazy busy world, especially as a mom with little ones. However, it really is vital! Although it may not look like it used to when you had the time to hang out with friends often, it’s important not to neglect friendships even when seasons change and life gets busy. I found that planning a coffee date and putting it into my weekly plan has helped me still see friends every now and then since I’m not able to be spontaneous as I once was.
These are some things that I have personally begun doing as I became a mom, and they have really helped me to enjoy being at home with my little one. I hope that it helps you find something that you can implement into your own life to stay sane as a stay-at-home mom!