I was recently listening to the Made For This Podcast by Jennie Allen. It’s a really good one if you haven’t heard of it before! Anyways, there was an episode called “Giving Kids Your Presence” where Jennie has a conversation with Priscilla Shrirer and Chrystal Evans Hurst. In this episode, Priscilla and Chrystal (who are sisters) recall their childhood and the legacy their parents have left them.
Towards the end of the episode when Priscilla was asked if there was one thing she wished her parents had done differently, she said she wished her mom had given her more of her presence.
Now this really had me thinking about motherhood and more specifically my priorities as a mom.
As a mom, you have so many roles to fill. You’re a cook, a cleaner, a nurse, a counselor, a planner…you get it. The list can go on and on.
Children have to be fed, disciplined and taught. And these are all very important tasks to make sure you are raising healthy humans.
BUT, it made me ask myself, in 20-30 years what will have the most significant impact on my child? What is the most important thing I can do for my child?
I realized that (#1) it is to teach them how to depend on the Lord as they begin to rely on me less. And (#2) it is to build a strong relationship with them so that they know they can come to me with anything.
In order to do this, I have to make sure that I take time to be fully present with my children.
With so many things screaming for our attention in this day and age, how often are we around our children but not actually present with them?
It takes mindfulness and intentionality.
If you have struggled with giving your children your time and full attention (like I have), I don’t want this post to make you feel mom guilt or shame. We have to accept that we will never be perfect parents. And just as our children need grace, we need it too.
Every day is a chance to grow.
“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning”. (Lamentations 3:22-23)
If you are reading this and are realizing that you do need to give your children more of your presence here are some simple ideas you can incorporate into your day to connect with your child.
It doesn’t necessarily have to be a long crafty activity.
It can be as simple as including your young child in whatever task you are doing. Not only will this be a bonding time for you and your child, but they will also learn some skills along the way!
- Eat a meal together
- Let them help you in the kitchen
- Read a book together
- Learn a song or verse together
- Avoid going on your phone (this is a big one)
- Have a dance party
- Go on a nature walk
- Spend 15 minutes of uninterrupted play with your child
- Play catch
- Snuggle together and ask them about their day
- Build a fort
- Tickle/wrestle
- Blow bubbles
- Talk in silly voices
- Have a conversation in singing voices
- Enjoy a dessert together
- Build a tower out of blocks
- Do a puzzle
- Color together
- Make up a story
- Work on a garden together

Let me know if there is anything you like to do with your toddler or young child that is not included here. I would love to hear about it! I have also created a summer bucket list for toddlers that you can check out here!